Thursday 27 December 2012

The necessary introductions...

Hello Blogosphere!!

So firstly, a little snippet of info about myself. The name's Monica, preferably Mon. I'm a 22 year old Sydney-sider, with a Bachelor of Science in Advanced Mathematics and currently studying a Bachelor of Theology. Cuz there's nothing more hardcore than Catholicism. :D

Honestly, I feel a bit pressured, since a friend of mine, who has an amazing blog of her own, had the audacity to preemptively give me a blog award because she is expecting great things. Yikes! I haven't even written anything yet.

So, anyway, I shall be writing mostly of the profound goodness, truth and beauty of the Catholic Faith.   Possibly some of my other interests (which include cycling, books, and food, among other things) will sneak in. Who knows! It shall take some time for me to figure out exactly what niche this chronicle of my thoughts will fill.

This post was prompted and brought to you by my new (as in, 2 hour-old) laptop!

Peace and joy to you all in this splendid season of Christmas.

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